It is an official member of Teleflora International, a network that boasts more than 80,000 florists distributed in all states of the world: it directly handles international orders without intermediaries
Faxiflora ensures absolute transparency in the management of collected amounts, guarantees the quality and timeliness of the service. The organization uses the latest technology to ensure all order-related information in real time.
The order office is competently and courteously managed by staff under direct reports.
Flowers will go anywhere... Faxiflora will stay with you!
Faxiflora - TF International Group Ltd.
Phone: 0171-694004
Toll free number: 800-618667
Fax: 0171-694020
Whatsapp: 0039 335 5695431
Specific requests can be quoted if submitted via e-mail or telephone (0171-694004) indicating the delivery location and floral tribute.
Orders with delivery aboard ships, resorts, hospitals, nursing homes or cemeteries must mandatorily contain a contact name and relevant telephone number. If delivery is not possible, the customer will be contacted immediately by e-mail or phone call.
. The execution of orders for the holidays of Christmas, Valentine's Day, Women's Day, Mother's Day may be anticipated or postponed in time, which if indicated, will not be binding. If the flowers requested are not available or available, the executing florist is authorized to substitute with similar flowers of corresponding value.
. In the event that the recipient's data (name, address and telephone number) are incorrect or incomplete, any expenses originated by the non-delivery, will be borne by the customer. A delivery of a floral gift that the recipient refuses to accept will be considered duly made.
The flowers chosen will be delivered within a few hours in Italy and abroad (excluding Sundays and holidays)
If the customer wishes to receive an invoice for the service of sending flowers home, this document should be requested at the very moment of filling the order. Otherwise, the florist in charge, will issue regular receipt on the same day of delivery
Should it become necessary, Faxiflora will contact the customer to arrange a different delivery time or date.
Sundays and holidays are excluded while service is guaranteed for the following holidays:
. - Valentine's Day
- Women's Day
- Mother's Day (morning)
8.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
- 2.30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday mornings from
8.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Phones: 0039 0171 694004 800-618667
Whatsapp: 0039 335 5695431
Email contact: